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Our Team is made up of Consultants, Entrepreneurs, Trainers and Facilitators who are either contracted on a full time basis or act as an outsource partner when the need arises.  Operating a consulting company is both challenging and exciting our model pulls together talent from across the world to deliver the services you need.  Our main teams operate from the USA, Jamaica and Trinidad, with our Head Office base in Port Of Spain, Trinidad.  In addition to the fact that our team decimates boundaries, we also redefine the traditional marketing model based on the type of experience required to get projects done.  Think of a hub of digital specialists, artists, developers, interior designers, project managers, accountants, management and administrative professionals, all lending their expertise for anything you need to develop, brand and promote your business.  Management consulting services are managed directly by Odem BUSINESS' entrepreneurs and consultants outlined below and branding is managed through our sister division Odem CREATIVE MEDIA at  Visit our services page for an in-depth understanding of our capabilities.

Consulting & Specialist Team

Laura Cotton 
Business Etiquette & Communication
Lennox Roberts
Information Technology
Customer Service & Team Building
Kemisha Anderson
Communications Professional
Leneka Rhoden
Research Analyst
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